Ok. Understood about pins. Yes please replace Black with perhaps purple or something :)

Now there's an "Anchor' icon..? What's that one for?

What's up with Pins? Beside it's responsive on iOS (iPad Pro) has become too slow; when I tried pinning with a black pin, the entire blog post became darker (Black) image.png

Oh! Am not alone then :) So how are you using each app..? Work email, personal.. Etc? Also, what'd you think of native FastMail App? All in all are you happy with FastMail?


Parking ticket is expiring in another 15 minutes.

Another 10 minutes wait.. Got on with a couple of work email follow ups to ease up a bit for next week.

Starring at the timeline moment.. Must get out for some fresh air !

That said, I'm a sucker for email apps. Right now I have Dispatch, AirMail, FastMail (native app), Outlook (for work email)… Crazy huh..?


I did sometimes back on iPhone. Didn't particularly impressed with it after some use

Native FastMail app on iOS is damn slow on LTE network