We get loads of emails from our cockpit crews requesting special diets due to either medical or dietary requirements and they are either sent from their work accounts or on rare occasions from private email accounts :P


I hardly got around using Dispatch. Have been using AirMail a bit, particularly if I'd want to preserve any emails as PDFs and saving to either stock notes app or elsewhere. FastMail native app to deal with all emails pertaining to all virtual email addresses that ove set up on FastMail. As far as work email goes, primarily Outlook mail client configured to Office365, along with AirMail.


@height8 Sounds like I only works on desktop and not on touch interfaces. My bad!


@cano did say hello on the other side earlier today. Neither he nor I talked about the invite I had sent him though.

And it did work!

@height8 Did you notice a new 'Anchor' icon has quietly creeped in just below posts? I asked . He asked me to 'click' to see. But, I no have 'click' here. Only touch, you know on iOS. If you're on a computer, can you please click on that Anchor and let me know what it does?

@height8 I'm hoping it's true for editing on iOS too :)

Yesterday at church ministries formation, when Media Minstry came up, there was a mention about getting to social media, blogging etc. Am not too sure how serious they were, so I kept quiet. A couple of years ago when I did not have any role to play in any of the ministries, I did suggest to create a Twitter account to then group leader, which he did not agree. Now that I'm the Assistant Coordinator for Media, I presume I have a bit more influence this time around. That's being said, I still feel I should not rush.

@height8 Hi Good Morning! I had transferred ( copied) all the recording to iMovie app on the iPhone and then uploaded onto iCloud. Then downloaded from iCloud to iMovie app on the iPad Pro as Movie Projects. I will now have to edit those on iPad Pro when I finally learn how to go about editing.

You know, no click for me; just the touch only. But when I touched on the Anchor, it only turns to darker (black) shade.Thats it!