@kdfrawg That's the reason I've been postponing replacing my mid 2011 MBA. All what I do on that is web browser, when ever the battery is good to me :) I get most of my stuff done on my iPad Pro. Then again, I don't do any heavy computing stuff.


@kdfrawg Absolutely true that!

@kdfrawg We had dinner & drinks. Bit of chit chatting and I'm back home now.

@kdfrawg Morning, didn't do much, just rested at home. Bit of a social commitment in this evening

This evening, I've been invited to a farewell dinner for one of the co workers who's leaving after 25 years of service. Though since of late, I'd rather prefer to keep out of this kind of social gathering, i have always had a high regard for this particular colleague who's leaving and therefore decided that I should go for this one. So I'm on my way

@kdfrawg Hello Michael ??

Up from 3 hours long nap :)

I remember you bought a camera not so long ago. Sony ? Which model is it?

Very rarely, whenever I get bored here, I just go there to see if there's anything interesting. I don't follow much people also, except a couple I know from here

I know; was just kidding :)
