I shouldn’t be checking work email on a Thursday night… let’s keep off hands away from that inbox. Let’s try at least !

Unfortunately, we can’t keep windows opened because it’s hot air outside.


Just listened to David Pierce’s podcast about how he uses Notion for almost everything and everything in one place.

Here too… Homes are air conditioned; right?


Yep, that’s the one I checked.


Key shortcuts does work here now!

It never stops, does it….? Replying to work emails after coming home even just before the weekend starts

People are gathering.

Spent the entire day in the kitchen, attending meetings from door to door. Two meetings purely for getting some updated information and one walked away with a next action item. One meeting cancelled. Didn’t do f’ll to complete my own tasks, really.

I think, enough doing day job stuff for now. Time to consider to get some sleep.