This is a bit weird…? Perhaps is doing something


How does the post privacy settings impact the blog sites? If I mark post as private, when that post appear on the blog sites, is it only seen by myself on the blog site or is it a public post which everyone can see?

Absolutely, much needed rest after a rather hectic week.

Napped about 2 hours and it was good.

I know I should do less. Not sure I can keep away all together because of nature of my Ops role..

Boss has started to send emails for various things. Just only one really need my attention. Others are just silly.

No probs. I was just being curious, don't you know 😜

Job completed. BTW, have you checked out Notion? Bit like Evernote - place to store almost anything

Almost noon. Car is still parked outside. I'd better put it in the garage.