Jason the 10C

Mostly I’m sad, sometimes I’m feeling too guilty for not using 10C often - Jason is working too hard to improve what we have here on 10C. And he has been for many years since we got to know him and the service. He has always been quick in responding if we face any problems with the service with a solution or even when we ask for new features. Just one single soul running his server in his own home, investing most of his own funds. So passionate about his own creation 10C. Look no more. He’s more than enough for me(us) to be inspired, not only for here, but also for any other creation whatsoever. So, what’s stopping me(even us) ?
In the end I’m not sure whether the title of this post is appropriate. That doesn’t matter too much though. This is my space. I and we can write anything as long as we don’t offend any other human being, I believe!