are you using spiral notebooks similar to this one?' image.jpeg []

I think I will now take my antibiotics & get prep for the bed. Good Night one & all !

Not sure whether I had already shared this one here. But this is when I visited Mothership back in the days in May 2008 Front of i Infinite Loop may'08.jpg []

I feel my current free Dropbox account storage is disorganised without a good file structure. Would it it be better I sign up for a new account with a different email address and start from the beginning?

Am seriously considering buying 1TB storage on Dropbox. Not too sure whether I should I upgrade my current free account with 12GB (almost full) or should I sign-up for a new one with an email address in my own domain & start from the scratch. Any ideas?

same here mainly sync really sucks! Don't know what alternatives have though

I have begun to realize Evernote is not the best place and Evernote sync had started to suck since recently

I need to find a way to save/preserve some of my regular emails I get in PDF firms in a cloud storage. What's the best workflow would you suggest? What mail app? Outlook on OS X or Apple mail and what cloud storage? I need a seamless workflow


Follow up appointment with the Surgeon in half hours time. A bit worried that he will open the bandage of the place he did the surgery on Sunday.