yes I remember, you had mentioned that some where. Don't the other blogging platforms too do that?

I don't know. I still time to time go have a look at some of those people I used to friends with on Facebook and had passed away. It brings up good and sad memories sometimes I like

when you first posted about it, I was kinda wondering a similar thing. Meaning, when we die all the stuff we had put online are continued to be there; isn't it? Not too sure whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Oh sad! may his soul rest in peace!

On another note, I will be going back to work tomorrow, after 3 weeks - first two weeks on business travel, followed by sick leave on last week.

So the church prayer group election for various ministries was held yesterday & I was not elected. Oh well.. I take it as it was god's decision. Perhaps he has some other good plans for me!

Nope it's just right. Randolph's and your voices are standing out with the music. So don't think it's too loud

// @discoveradn

oh yeah. Listened to that one. What a HaHaHa!

// @discoveradn

is that the Skype ring tone thing? @discoveradn

I know. I could make it out. Like the Randolph's laugh :) @discoveradn