Toady I'm having lunch with a new colleague whom I recruited to my team.

Meeting at headquarters ✔ now travel to the next one in the kitchen

So my last post haven't seemed to gone through. Never mind… Nothing important though

I'd better shower and get going…

This morning, there is two hours meeting called for all 42 in the team by the leader and in the agenda he sent there are two items 'insight into the future', followed by open discussion.

after uploading new photos to time line from iPad, for those new photos to appear on another device ( Android), do I have to log out and log on again on the Android device or just the browser refresh is enough?

With that, it's best try and get some sleep. Good night all!

Yep; within the same geographical location…

Not encouraging response from the wife, when I told her about a new job I'd thought I should apply in another organisation related to the industry I'm familiar with. Hmm…

I know, I find it quite challenging to practice though