Doesn't Day One app serve the same or similar purpose?

No, not yet. There was an email from Manton though to say the invites are being sent on April 24th

Yes, that's what I thought in the end. I'll go with their decision

Just a couple of day left for our wedding anniversary function in SL, we got the news that wife's aunt passed away. I'm of the view that we should postpone the function. Everyone else in the family including mother in law ( sister of the deceased) wants us to proceed with what is planned. ????

Received email from the Head of User Happiness at Ghost saying, they can extend the trial period, if I so wish.

@kdfrawg In the end though, it went well

Likewise :)

Annual performance review. I'm here kept waiting

Me too

Ghost loads pretty fast in almost every browser. I hope, paid version also as good as the trial version, if one decides to go for paid subscription:)