Okay. I think I understand now.


On MacBook now. Doesn't seem v5 social timeline is loading on Safari here

Does it mean, it’s same concept as microblog?


Here is a photo from iPad. Savory biscuits


Dinner done. In the meantime, had to deal with some people who still depend on email alerts messages to receive, rather than just check the application for any updates in corporate wide email outage situations. Lazy bastards

No problem will wait. By the way, for new posts, the cursor does not appear in the new post window


Okay, I think I will understand as we go along. No worries


But the thing is, the blog titles doesn’t appear on Social timeline…?

I’m still trying to put my head around how this whole thing works. If I post something on my blog site it appears here and likewise, if I post something on the social timeline it appears on my blog site. Looks like that is great!

Here I’m on 10Cv5 on iPad Pro, Safari browser. It loads all right and looks all right too, except lots of white space either sides of the timeline. Perhaps, that’s the way it meant to be