@matigo that’s bullocks!
@matigo good morning! Are we going to talk about what I asked you earlier this week? Setting up @10centuries site for discussion forum/community ? Only if you’re in a mood, because I just saw some previous posts that you sound like burn out
Just got back from Payer Group Meeting church and I liked the word of god, delivered by a visiting priest
@matigo Did he call you when you are off work? In my job I’m kinda always on call 24/7. Not that I get called often; but if any one wants to call me on work related things they can
Does this mean any of my backed -up files can be accessed on the go? Access, Download, Experience & Share Backed Up Files Using Our iPhone App | Backblaze
@matigo I know and I must! Generally I haven’t been checking anything at all @rossa
@matigo I’m learning. My finance management isn’t that good; so generally that stuff is taken care by the wify and she does it well:) @rossa
@matigo Ok now that’s great! But then as a result of logging all this stuff, do you use the information to improve your spending habits? I mean the question is what’s the main purpose of keeping such a organised records? @rossa