Has posting from email on @10centuries stopped? I don’t see Email tab any more on the web dashboard in Settings panel.

congratulations Jason! And good night

Is any one here use Basecamp by 37signals?

Take it easy Jason. Try to have patience.

good that you told me; I will lift you up to the god to live for 800 years :)

fabulous! And I pray for you that the good lord always keep you safe

I was reading your blog archives this morning and saw the post about your intention of having @10centuries posts long last for 10 centuries. Are you really serious about it and have you set up the infrastructure to facilitate such a brilliant idea?

Yeah it was OK. Nothing fancy tho. Just wanted to try. Image [photos.app.net]

this is in Kyoto right? Golden Temple I visited when I was in Osaka a few years back Image [photos.app.net]

agree; most of the banks charge if the card is used out side the country of issue. Even in this country is the same