Posting from iPhone on the go

So here I'm posting this from my iPhone Evernote app, while I’m  waiting in my car till Stephie finishes her ballet lessons. Not sure why, as I'm typing this post I got a notification to say that my post has already been published in 10Centuries. That shouldn't be so! That said, I'm very impressed with the ability to either back date or schedule future blog posts via Evernote and also web dashboard! Back dating feature is first class for me to post about all of the important milestones, events and more importantly the world travels that I've made and haven’t been able to put on record. Awesome! 

The photo below was just taken from iPhone and this is a famous landmark mosque located close to our home in Dubai and the place I dropped Stephie for her ballet class a while back.

Evernote Camera Roll 20140525 192513