But then again who's intersected to see where my location is on the posts !

My toiletries bag on the recent travels. Had to use my clear bag due to only carry on baggage. But on departure, security at Zimbabwe took out the hair gel because it was 100ml! Image [photos.app.net]

Finally at the barber shop near by home. Wify isn’t happy that I’m not using the salon gift voucher that she got me for my last birthday at an upmarket posh salon. I don’t want those ‘posh’ stuff; I’d rather drive here in my shorts for a simple haircut!

Whilst Wify manages home finances well for us, I hate keep on begging for money whenever I need funds for some of my essential needs such as haircut

Delicious Biriyani made by the Pakistani chef in Lusaka #avgeek Image [photos.app.net]

Air Rhodesia. Before it became Zimbabwe #avgeek Image [photos.app.net]

What would be a better domain galleynoi.se OR galleynoise.com ?

Where is my tonic time :)