thats awesome feature !

will @10centuries blog site be get clogged up if I regularly upload photos in my blog posts, I wonder ?

But we had to stop it halfway tho as she is going out for a sleepover with her friends #lonely

Stephie & I started putting up a collage with my old analogue photo collection Image []

@jessicadennis Look forward to listening to “the strange” conversation.

I know. I love that kind of flexibility that I can quietly go up date/add/delete whatever I want in EN and get that across to my blog :)

I seemed to have lost lots of my past digital photos. I need a better photo management workflow.

Now, that Blog post isn’t really complete, I know.

New Post: Back in Harare… []

Wow! I like the ability to upload multiple photos here. And I just did selfie on before the haircut & after the haircut.