My work network password expires within 24 hours. Here comes the pain having to change that on half dozen of devices /apps - berry, iOS on active sync, windows tablet & what not..

So it’s not Copenhagen for me but Chicago next :)

I’m sure it would be interesting. Looking forward to it :)

I said (C) to kill the conversation on the subject and to avoid any further discussions.

Evernote client on my windows machine sucks!

Evernote cement on my windows machine sucks !

I would for (or have gone) choice (C)

Weekend is over; but was a good one mostly spent with family - church, dinner out & shopping - It’s gonna be another busy week at work from tomorrow through to Thursday.

oh well.. Not sure whether I really need a budgeting app because my Mrs controls our finances you know? @braincutlery

I will remember that for my next visit to either places:)) but for now I'm just killing time waiting for Stephanie to come out from the shop