thanks. I will check that out. I only saw Name Server change boxes in name cheap site. Couldn’t find out A records and MX setting charge boxes?

Yep; just got it about a week ago. I then changed the Name Servers to set up FastMail Account. Now all my emails for domain received at FastMail. However, I can’t go and set up a website using the Domain.

How could that happen I wonder. I’ve registered it for a year to start with. I don’y know can it really happen whilst its own by me..?

Wanted to transfer my domain from NameCheap to Hover. But it was rejected as the domain name was registered in the past 60 days

I’m hanging in here what ever said $ done. It’s not easy purely due to my personal stuff tho

The security guard at the book store stopped me at the exit thinking I’ve stolen a book from the store, when he spotted my BookBook Case carrying MBA. Lol!

Now that’s not impressive for the price I pay monthly which comes to approximately $100! Image []

Does any one know whether there is any way to covert PDF document to MS Excel?

I’m having problems with Scanner Pro app since iOS 8 upgrade. Any one else?

Perhaps that could’ve been the reason then. Oh well..