Time to bed. Good night!

There are three refrigerators at home. But to quickly find anything inside in any one of them is really a nightmare. Home alone!

me too @laurafisher @eyes

It’s getting dark. I think I go take a warm shower. Wify and daughter gone out with mother in law.

What’s wrong here..? Even chimp Seems to be giving problems on my 6. I’m back with Riposte!

yep you're right. It didn't update the time line, even after restarted the app. Perhaps I will reinstall wedge.

Why don’t I see my previous post here on the stream?

Am trying out Kiwi - 2 weeks trial, they say!

Getting the car registration renewed
image [chimp.li]

I don't do this often. But I got Wify and daughter Christmas gifts this time.