What back up Services everyone uses here? iDrive? Blackblaze? Anything else? Any recommendations

when would 10CV2 see the world..? It has been a long wait!

Do U still have that "My First Podcast" thing going..?

So finally am on Appnetizens on my Mac. Not cool that I don't have a client on Yosmite

looks like Yammer network in the company has again become alive some people starting to post & stuff!

My traditional 'end of the year' local leave off work to reflect about the year passing is starting today!

I actually seem to be liking Cloud Mail App on iPad. I can send stuff seamlessly to other services like Evernote, ToDoist, One Note etc.

Felix App still works like a charm on my iPad 2.

Jason, many thanks for writing about flatter. I wasn’t aware about it. I know I should’ve search about in Google !