Apparently Squarespace even has a Note app integrated with Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive & of course Squarespace itself. Pretty sleek.

It took a few days for me to update my iPhone to 8.1.3. Doing it right now!

Was trying to access my Office365 stuff and this is what am getting “ Our system is temporarily unavailable due to technical reasons. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact customer support.

Not too sure why..? I’m not able to read any filled in fields in any PDF attachments that I receive in my iOS mail.

I don’t understand why your work place involve your Wify into official matters concerning between them and you? Bloody ridiculous! @0xmf

So Microsoft released Outlook for iOS and Droid today. I think it make sense for me to use it on my iPhone for work email.

Still trying to get Outlook started on Win 8 tablet!

It seems to be taking for ever..
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Reading work emails about NE USA Snow Storm 27th January 2015 - Update #2 / 2100Z 26JAN15. How are all of my US friends doing? Please stay safe!

I think I am going to early to bed. Nite, nite !