All right! Just renewed Friends here are too good to leave ! Many Thanks !
Last week on Thursday night, I was with a couple of friends on a overnighter. Man! that was fun! Sometimes, I still behave like a teen. Good thing or bad thing, I don't know!
Giving a serious thought about buying OmniFocus for MBA. Have been using ToDoist for 6 months or more; not too sure it has the power of OF. Though multi platform is an advantage
To all my friends, that automatically 'unfollowed', am sorry about it. Unintentional. I will be renewing the app net subscription soon!
Oh no! I haven’t been able to renew my ADN subs. My following count has dropped to 40. Just noticed
Microsoft xlxs documents cannot view neither on Evernote nor Devonthink Pro Office #Devonthink
My daughter has been watching me some times I'm just starring at Nice on my MBA, without any interaction at all. She's right. I guess I do that quite a bit particularly soon after I get back home after work. Perhaps my de-stresser!