Trying out 2Do app on OS X and iOS

Ooops! Sorry for the repeated posts a short while back.

Really..? I'm somewhat surprised! Thinking of a good use of my recently registered domain!

Who in the world would be interested to know about my life in the world of airline catering any way..?

I can't stand when people ( even my family) disturbs me, whenever I want to have quiet time by myself out in the backyard. I just had a moment like that!

It's time to plug in MBA (14% battery remaining) and me go get a shower.

I just cancelled Cloak subscription for now. Haven't really been using it at all.

I think I get some fresh air now.

Scrolling doesn't seem working when ToDoist app on OS X in Split mode on El Cap

Listening to an old episode about OF 2 for Mac from Weekly Briefly of Shawn Blanc