Will I be able to acheive 10K posts here by the end of this year…?

3.3 Million Fresh Eggs are used each Year.#flightkitchenfacts

15 Million croissants are baked yearly in our flight kitchen Bakery #fligtlitchenfacts

Messaging is quick and fast. No encrypting though unlike Telegram. Then recently I heard there is another messaging app called Fire Chat that works without internet connection.

// @lechindianer

which one? External keyboard? Virtual?

Today is day off due to Islamic New year here

I think its time for dinner for me !

Am so happy, at last Stephanie has made up her mind that she will start exploring/using OS X . She will start from my first Notebook - first generation MBA which I got from Apple Shop, when I visited the Mothership back in May, 2008!

For a change rice & curry for dinner tonight!

Geeky indeed :)