I keep on getting Verification failed message on iPhone when try to install iOS 9.1 and connecting to update I Cloud settings

Oh OK. I understand.

so do you have any time lines in mind you like to pursue the idea of is it still too early to ask?

I think I will carry along this Samsung galaxy tablet with me on this business trip, for whatever its worth

you mean the country or state in a country of your choice? Shouldn't you a citizen of that country?

Oh! I get you. So then it will have to be elsewhere. You may have to kick start in local provincial council or local government level perhaps?

you mean whether Japan or any other land?

I know. But every great act starts with a thought/idea. And you have the determination & inspiration. Everything else will naturally flow in & will work out along the way!

wishing you all the very best!

Packing is almost done.