I mostly prefer to communicate face-to-face, but of course there are things in business that I MUST put in writing & a response is obtained.

Among others, there is this one particular person, who is in the habit of not responding to any emails where a response is expected. This is one of the major reasons I'm having to keep lots of my emails in my mail box & having to go through them regularly to follow up & re-send for a response !

you're correct.

Yes; I love OWA. Only problem there is, it is not very easy to search and find past emails.

Since I migrated Outlook Mail to O365 at work, Outlook 2010 client on work lappie sucks!

My corporate one uses cisco

Not that it is a problem. Just asked. So, just leave it as is. No issue

Now that you like, I just logged on Chrome on my work laptop, connected to VPN. But here is a question. Can my employer monitor that I'm on 10C blurb site from their machines?

Yep it is working now on iOS. So the most recent post in the conversation thread goes to the last bottom..?

Yep on iPad Pro