Yep; 0700 Local Time - that's time my day job starts

oh all right. When would the first episode out?


very nice. Looking forward to listening to the new podcast. Btw, why cp in the URL? Does it signify anything?


Catching up with some emails using iPad Pro from staff cafeteria :)

Yes I know. I used (or hardly used) earlier and cancelled the subscription some time late last year. I think I had US$ 5 a month package. Which plan would you recommend me to subscribe to now?

So since told me yesterday, I installed Cloak on iOS to use at work. I should've subscribed to monthly plan.

I find it too hard to eat a main meal without any meats

you mean to review software application? Not yet. In about 50 minutes time

How's every one's Sunday going? Me.. At work. So far, so good.

Good morning from Dubai! Good afternoon Asia, Good evening America!