Reading through your post, was wondering what the optimum duration for full implementation of a software at a client site after all paperwork on contracts & whatnot is completed..?

Enjoy! I’d Grab some dinner I think

Life goes on without much interesting things happening

Hello, hello Good to hear from you

Good Night!

Thanks. It would be good if I don’t have to invest in an Apple TV also. I believe I have Anker hub that might be of use with MBA

Planning to purchase two apple notebooks one for me and the other for daughter. I’ve asked daughter to select a one that is good for her. But for me, I’m not sure which one…I definitely need one that I can bring outside to be able to deliver training presentations connected to a larger TV display in those meeting rooms. Any and all suggestions are welcome

Any sort of positive news is welcome at these times

Are you addressing some of these in your new invention you’re currently working on…?