oh no! Is everyone safe?


Perhaps maintaining a balance between the two may be important.


Does it imply that our good works is sufficient without faith..? No, I think; right…?


If all of these make things less friction in getting things done, why not! I will update :)



It will definitely help me to rebuild. I may not comment though often. If there’s anything not clear or I wouldn’t understand, I will ask



No, Vaneesa. My knowledge on these matters is rather minimal. I I’ve been growing in the faith when in DXB with the support of devoted bunch of charismatic friends as a part of English Charismatic Prayer Group in Roman Catholic Church. Unfortunately since we returned back to SL, everything stopped. Hopefully Jason’s write ups might help me to rebuild my knowledge


Will be reading tomorrow

Oh, hope mine improves after this update, though it says the update will address the battery issue of intel based macs.



Online software training delivered to the people in KSA, first time in about 3 weeks. Though I had not prepared much, I have to say, it went quite well