@matigo oh no! Is everyone safe?
@matigo Does it imply that our good works is sufficient without faith..? No, I think; right…?
@peemee If all of these make things less friction in getting things done, why not! I will update :)
// @matigo
@matigo It will definitely help me to rebuild. I may not comment though often. If there’s anything not clear or I wouldn’t understand, I will ask
// @hazardwarning
@matigo No, Vaneesa. My knowledge on these matters is rather minimal. I I’ve been growing in the faith when in DXB with the support of devoted bunch of charismatic friends as a part of English Charismatic Prayer Group in Roman Catholic Church. Unfortunately since we returned back to SL, everything stopped. Hopefully Jason’s write ups might help me to rebuild my knowledge
// @hazardwarning
@peemee Oh, hope mine improves after this update, though it says the update will address the battery issue of intel based macs.
// @matigo
Online software training delivered to the people in KSA, first time in about 3 weeks. Though I had not prepared much, I have to say, it went quite well