I'm at Emirates Flight Catering Co! Thick fog. Low visibility operation. http://4sq.com/15Cxf0F

All right; it’s that time of the night for me. Good Night and see you all on the other side xoxo

Looks like I will have to do late shifts / night shifts on #ADN from DXB as almost all of my friends are from the time zone GMT -6 or even more.

Interesting facts about blogs http://royal.pingdom.com/2013/05/07/wordpress-top-100-blogs/?utmsource=feedburner&utmmedium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+RoyalPingdom+%28Royal+Pingdom%29

Testing #PAN oh well.. My solo attempt - hashpan.com/9039

Finally installed #PAN

Twitter Music app doesn't seem to be active in here. https://music.twitter.com/ says, 'coming soon' !

Twitter Music app doesn't seem to be active in here. https://music.twitter.com/ says, 'coming soon' !

Trying to keep away working from home this weekend. So far so good. Perhaps will do lil bit of work catch up in the evening after getting back from the church

I've only got hAppy app for #ADN on my iPad. But I've 3 apps for ADN on my iPhone. Felix, hAppy and Riposte. Any suggestions to add to my iPad ADN app selection #teamappdiction