Wify was making a big fuss over staying overnight at my parents’ home tonight #holidaysinsl

I’ve just seen this post. I’m so sorry Jason. But I will pray for you that everything is going to work out for you the way you want and you deserve.

There seem to be lots of Dutch tourists visit Lanka

Waiting to go out with a childhood buddy #HolidsysInSL

You bet; so far I’ve been. Probably one of the best vacations since some time. Re union with high school friends, attending a girl friend’s wedding, bonding with family and in laws - all good so far! #holidaysinsl @richardmhowell

Understood. I’m as much guilty as any one else. Haven’t really been keeping up with conversations. Not because of any particular reason; I don’t know. I guess it’s just ! @richardmhowell

Now back at my parents’ home. Wify & the daughter are at hers #holidaysinsl

yep even I’ve observed interaction or conversations amongst smaller groups have much reduced. @richardmhowell

Thanks! Yep; much needed holiday!