Fighting a battle

Exhausted ! I wasn't very happy not to see the software application enhancements that I had requested in the list of Big Ticket items in the 2017/18 IT OPEX budget. So, they had called up a meeting this morning to discuss it among some people, including me.
Even after putting my case forward about the tangible benefits (direct cost saving of US Dollars 400K) the department has gained in the 1st month of this financial year due to partly using the application, in it's current status; the leadership does not seem to approve funds for further enhancements and developments. I was told that, we should not always chase after dollar sign; but look at to statisfy certain group of employees by prioritizing enhancements and developments to other application features. I'm not sure whether it's even worthwhile contuning to fight a battle, if others are not interested in taking every effort in controlling expenditure and to improve processes.